Narrative Writing for Kindergarten

Narrative Writing is a fun genre for my class because we are far enough in the school year that the class  can actually do some awesome inventive spelling. That skill combined with temporal words like : First, Next, Then, Later, After, Last, or Finally, and kids can really do some amazing writing pieces. I'm created a little poster to help introduce Narrative Writing to my class. I project it on the class' Promethean Board and start a discussion about it. Here is the poster link.

Narrative Writing Poster

I then give my students an example of a narrative story about how my family adopted a cat from a shelter.

Narrative Writing Sample Page

I point out to the class how the whole story answers the following questions: Who? What? When? Where? and Why?

Here is the journal cover master I run off on colored paper for my class. All the master copies are in a freebie file on my Teachers Pay Teachers profile. For that Narrative Writing Graphic Organizer Freebie click here.

Narrative Writing Journal Cover

Narrative Writing Graphic Organizer

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