Spanish Sunday - Bilingual Rhyming Puzzles

Last school year, my grade level began chaining for guided reading. This meant I would get access to helping kids improve their literacy in Spanish every day in addition to my own students.

I quickly realized that there is a SERIOUS lack of Spanish resources out there and decided to do something about it. This Summer, I began making resources in Spanish to use with the bilingual classes at my school.


Rimas, Rimando

Once I finished this awesome (I think so) RHYMING unit in Spanish I got VERY JEALOUS and decided to make the English version right after.

Rhyming, Rhymes

I got to use it with my class and passed along the Spanish version to my teacher teammate to keep. Here is the outcome.


I am going to ask kids to trace the words in crayon by coloring the rime in one color and the onset in another.

A lot of these words are found in my class' favorite rhyming song book, A Hunting We Will Go. They love to sing, "A hunting we will go, a hunting we will go, we'll catch a bear and put him in underwear and then we'll let him go. Oh!" They get pretty hysterical with their nonsense rhymes as well.

The packs include the same format to a RHYMING memory match game.

Rompecabezas para rimar
 Once printed they are ready to cut and laminate. Memory is one of the class' favorite centers.

Rhyming Puzzles
 The second feature each pack includes are pocket chart cards. Pocket chart cards are new to me as a teaching tool since my district has had Promethean boards for so many years. This is the kind of activity that got relegated to technology and the poor little pocket chart was wheeled to the back of the room. However, I can dust it off now and use these cool pocket chart cards to practice rhyming with my class.


Rhyming pocket chart cards

As you can see the onset is in black and the rime is in red. I love the use of color to help out kids who are visual learners SEE THE RHYMING part when they can't hear it to save their lives. 

Here is the link to each product:

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